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We have lots of turkeys, geese and ducks for Christmas!

Christmas 2020 was certainly challenging and whilst we all hope that this winter will prove to be more straightforward, we have to hope for the best whilst preparing for the worst. With that in mind, we will once again be operating our drive through, albeit with some changes as detailed below, to, hopefully, speed the collection process up.

We will be offering our usual fresh free range bronze, white and Norfolk Black turkeys, our geese and ducks. Our Charolais beef and gammons will be available either fresh for collection in November or frozen on our December collection days. 

We will be opening as usual on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd December, but extending our drive through hours to 7 am – 9 pm and on Friday 24th December, from 7 am – 3 pm. To facilitate speeding up the drive through all produce MUST be pre-paid for with the exception of the extras such as chipolatas, sausages, sausagemeat and bacon. We will then be operating two drive through lanes – one “fast track” for those just collecting their turkey/goose/duck/gammon and one for those who want to buy extras from the counter. Extras cannot be pre-ordered and will be subject to availability. As an alternative, you can also collect extras at the end of November when we finish curing the bacon. If you wish to do this please contact Alex at

At the current time, as in many areas of retail, we are being affected by the supply and increase in cost of our raw materials (and that is the chicks themselves, feed, fuel, butchery materials, packaging and overheads and, most significantly, labour). It is an extremely difficult market and we have no choice but to, very reluctantly, pass on the rising costs we are facing.

These Covid times have proved unprecedented for everyone. We are, as many of you know, a small family farm and some of the changes above, are not what, under normal times, we would choose to do but needs must. We ask and appreciate your patience. On hand out days all of our team are working as fast as humanly possible. Last year was a learning curve and we hope the above will speed the process up. Please bear with us. Your custom and support of buying local and buying British is appreciated more than you will ever know.

Opening Hours

Collections of Orders

We are open for drive through collection on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd December drive through hours to 7 am – 9 pm and on Friday 24th December, from 7 am – 3 pm . You are welcome to collect at any time on those three days – we do not need to know when you intend to come.

I’m afraid we do not offer a delivery service – our produce is collection only from the farm. Our new “Drive In Drive Out” collection system is demonstrated Opposite!

Christmas Specials

Turkey Crown
Our free range turkey crowns are the perfect alternative if you don’t want to cook a whole bird.
With our turkey crowns, we joint the bird so you have the breast joint with the wings attached.
Unless otherwise requested, we will provide you with the leg joints separately wrapped so you can freeze them and use them after Christmas
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Most Popular
White and Bronze Turkeys
Free range, slow growing traditional turkeys
As fully mature, our turkeys put down a natural layer of fat which makes for a tasty, flavoursome bird and reduces cooking time.
Our bronze turkeys have a slightly “gamier” flavour and, whilst still very much a white meat, they have a slight speckling to the meat which is down to the dark feathers.
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Our geese this year have either been hatched by ourselves or came in as goslings from Sussex. As soon as they “feather up” they have daily access to our fields below the Ashford Hangers.
As well as the grass, the geese are fed on a diet predominately milled from our own wheat and oats, which we grow and harvest locally.
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Henry's Ducks
Henry started his duck enterprise with just four birds. When the two of the ducks started laying a couple of years ago we thought it would be fun to hatch some of the eggs in the incubator. We didn’t realise quite how prolific they would be!!
Henry is now aged 15 and we have a flock of ducks comprising of Aylesburys and Indian Runners, both hatched and bought in as day old ducklings.
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